2010. október 28., csütörtök


Godspeed. Old use; Used to wish someone good luck, especially before a journey. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English). Today, we would like to wish a safe flight and a very pleasant stay for Inez, the first ever student of Help Me English!

Since the beginning, in fact, even before that Inez had been a student of HME. In three years time of a one-lesson-per-week program has bettered her English to the level of fluent, functional communication. Her goal was to be able to manage everyday communication in the US as well as discussing business with possible clients. I'm proud to say that Inez has mastered her functional language skills and has overcome her angst of speaking English in front of others. 

HME hopes she will have a great time in the US and will prosper and grow even further using her knowledge. Best of luck to her!  And to all of you, this might serve as a good example: English is learnable. See you at Loffice! :)

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