2012. november 12., hétfő

How To Write Awesome Letters - Informal [SAMPLES]

Informal Letter Writing Task # 1 - A letter to a classmate

Te a Snowy Summits High School tizenéves diákja vagy. Épp nyári szüneted hatodik hetét töltöd a nem túl forró Wisconsin állambeli Saintford-ban, a nagyszüleidnél. Sajnos családod jelenleg nincs mindenkori anyagi helyzetének csúcsán, így be kellett érned ezzel a nyári megoldással. Mivel a tanyán, ahol a nagyszüleid élnek igazából nincs mit csinálni, valamint korunk egyik társadalom-mobilitási jelensége miatt minden fiatal elvándorolt a közeli kisvárosból a nagyobb városok felé. A modern tinédzserek szórakoztató-platformjainak híján jutott eszedbe az elektronikus könyvolvasód, amit egy éve adtál kölcsön osztálytársadnak. Írj levelet ennek a fiúnak/leánynak, melyben

1.) elpanaszolod mennyire unalmas a rurális nyaralásod
2.) visszakéred a könyvolvasót
3.) megkérdezed mi történik épp a címzettel

Leveled legyen személyes hangvételű, hihető, valamint formailag és nyelvtani értelemben helyes. Leveled terjedelme ne haladja meg a 400 szót.

Solution [W369]:

To: Ms Emma Shaw
564 East 42nd Street, New York, 
34552 DK 121

July 1 2012 

My Dear Emma,

I'm writing to you from my uncle Jeremy's farm, from Saintford, Wisconsin…

What am I doing here? Well, it's not the best story of my life, you see. Maybe I told you when we were still going to school that my dad might be fired from the car factory as he had that little fight with that stupid Puerto Rican guy. Well, it came true, my Dad's unemployed. As such, and 'cause my Mom is still not back to work because she is doing that IT-training program I have to be here for some time..

Anyhow, I'm doing good - aunt May is cooking really good dishes every day. Oh, you might not know this, but I'm staying with my aunt and uncle for the rest of summer. It's nice and not too hot and they are decent folks, but to tell you the truth it really is boring sometimes. There's nothing to do here, except chores and watching the sky at night. Since my uncle has sold his animals and started growing corn there isn't anything to kill time with. I can't believe I'm writing this, but I actually miss school.

The reason why I'm writing to you, apart from letting you know that I'm okay, is that I want to ask my ebook reader back from you. I know that I offered it to you when you were hospitalized, and yes, I know how much you like to read, but I would really enjoy using in now. Maybe I'd be able to finish the complete Twilight saga. I could at least tell that to Mrs Andrews, the literature teacher in September, maybe she would remember this when she grades me at the end of the term.

If you could post the reader (and its charger!) to my address I would be very happy and perhaps I'd be saved from all this boredom! My uncle's address is this:

1 Nowhere Lane, Saintford, Wisconsin, XF01 BLV 762

Also, I don't know anything about you and your summer! Please write to me and tell me anything. I really hope you are having a more eventful life then I am. I'd love to hear from you.

Thank you for everything,
with love, your Friend


Informal Letter Writing Task # 2 - A letter to an acquaintance

Jenny is a girl of average intelligence, but with good looks. She and some of her friends (all girls, save Ryan, who is a homosexual furniture-designer) went out last Friday evening to call an end of a tough period at work and to have a good time with the possibility of dancing, and maybe some flirting with unknown men. Jenny had a very nice evening as a gentleman named Patrick approached her, talked to her, bought her a drink and made her laugh all night. It was well after midnight that Jenny was asked whether she would like to accompany Patrick back to his apartment, to which the girl readily said 'yes'. After a night of steaming biology, Jenny woke up to a cold and empty bed: the man was gone. Instead of last night's charmeur a big, bulky, not-overly-polite cleaning lady woke her up, gave her new underwear  and asked her to leave the apartment as she needed to clean it. Jenny was pushed outside the apartment and outside Patrick's life. With no better idea to get into contact with him Jenny sits down and composes a letter which will be posted to Patrick's address.

The letter starts like this:

Dear Cowardly, Egoistic Patrick, 

Tackle these questions in your letter:

1.how does Jenny feel?
2.what does Jenny want?
3.what are the best-case and worst-case outcomes? 

To: 'Mr Patrick'
11 Friars Alley, London,
PA545 F 15

July 18 2012

Dear Cowardly, Egoistic Patrick, 

thank you for the wonderful night. After this night I would not have thought that I have to be woken up by the rude cleaning lady who was treating me like a bitch. Or a whore. Either way,  I felt lost and disappointed. Everything was strange and unfamiliar to me because I only wanted to share time with you but you were not there for me. I have to regret all the good feelings and smiles I gave to you  because they can not be yours since you are not true…

I'm more than interested in your explanation about the last moment of our interaction. The fact that you abandoned me is hurting enough, but that you used your cleaning lady to toss me out was disgusting and cowardly and humiliating.

Despite all these I would like to have another chance to get to know you as you appeared last night: a charming, entertaining and gentle person with a good heart and a creative mind. I have a reservation for Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock at Nobu Restaurant (Petőfi S. u). I will be wearing a red dress and red lipstick. Please come and join me and let's get this problem fixed.

I'm waiting for both your answer and appearance,



p.s. If you don't show up, well, I do know where you live...

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