2014. február 10., hétfő

All Online content Lost!

Life can be a bitch. No, scrap that, technology can be a bitch. I'm writing this still under the near-traumatizing effect of the fact that all of my educational material have been deleted from my Dropbox account by my former student - 

accidentally, of course. I was not using the service as I should have and I gave unlimited managerial rights to my students, and poof!, the stuff - my own-written material - is gone.

Desperation. Panic. Angst. Anger. And then, the realization: "Hey, this isn't that bad!"

Come tomorrow I will have a completely new chance, the clean slate, if you will, to re-write material. And by doing so I will be able to go all out: better content, even more examples and samples, flashier images and who knows what else. So, in a way, I'm okay now, better than ever, and in a morbid way I'm thankful for the death of the previously written material: this is the beginning of something new, big and wild! :)
Image credits: http://thedraftingclub.com/creativity-in-the-wild-tear-off-fliers-16-images/

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