2011. október 4., kedd

Why You Must Know English

Tegnap éjjel  érdekes esetnek lettem egyik szereplője. Akik olvasgatták a blogot korábban, talán emlékeznek, hogy idén tavasszal vásároltam egy Kindle-t, mely aztán pár hónap tökéletes működés után besült és megszűnt mint irodalmi csatorna. Nem siettem el a dolgott, de tegnap éjjel, USA idő szerint pedig a nap derekán sikerült lebonyolítani a termék cseréjét. Ámde hogyan...? 

Az amazon.com alapvetően 3 fajta ügyfélszolgálati megoldáscsomagot használ: email [gyors, de egyből átirányít a] telefonos [ami drága játék Budapestről, ha épp nincs skype credited], és live chat-es párbeszéd közül választhatsz. Bemásolom a teljes chat beszélgetés szövegét, hogy lásd, mennyire korrekt és esetenként hiperkorrekt a szöveg. Továbbá, azért szerepel itt ez a levelezés, mert jó angol nyelvtudás nélkül majdhhogynem lehetetlen lett volna megoldani ezt a helyzetet. Na meg azért, hogy ráébredj: "ehh, meg kell tanulnom angolul..."

Help Me English! :)

You are now connected to Abhishek from Amazon.com.

Me: Hello!
I've purchased a Kindle Keyboard, Wi-Fi, 6" at the beginning of 2011. It arrived perfectly, started up perfectly and functioned perfectly for 4 months, but one day, without specific reason the screen froze on 2/3rd of its area. One third is active, it turns the pages and is able to show the cursor, but reading is impossible as such.
Abhishek: Hello, my name is Abhishek. I'll be happy to help you.
Me: Hello! Thank you! I hope we can resolve this issue.
Abhishek: I am sorry Mészáros that you are facing problems with your kindle.
May I know the order number for you kindle?
Me: Order #: 002-8271184-0425838
Abhishek: I will transfer your chat to an appropriate department so that you can get a replacement for your order.
Me: Okay, and how does this work?
Abhishek: Please stay on the line while your chat is being transferred.
Me: Ah, okay,
thank you for your efforts
Abhishek:It was my pleasure to help you.
A Customer Service Associate will be with you in a moment.
You are now connected to Chaitanya from Amazon.com.
Me: Hello!
Chaitanya: Hello, my name is Chaitanya. I'll be happy to help you today.
Me: Thank you! Are you briefed about my problem, or should I summarize?
Chaitanya: Can you hold for a minute or two while I look in to this for you?
Me: Sure
Chaitanya: Lets get this Kindle issue resolved.
Please slide the power button of the Kindle and let me know the color of the LED.
Me: solid green
than nothing, the last opened page's lower third is on the screen,
while 2 thirds show a sleep screen fragmented by white paralell, vertical lines.
Chaitanya: Let's try and completely reset your Kindle. Restarting the software can solve intermittent problems. First, be sure your Kindle is disconnected from any power source and that the device is turned on.
To reset the Kindle, slide the power switch to the right and hold it there for a full 20 seconds.
Release power switch and wait for reboot screen to appear. The screen should go blank within a few moments, flicker or flash a few times, and then you'll see the main loading screen.
Me: well, it's rebooting,
Chaitanya: Okay. I'll be online.
Me: but the upper 2/3rds of the screen still shows the fragmented screensaver
I can see the progress bar loading,
but the top 2/3rds do not change
Chaitanya: I'm sorry to hear about this.
Was the Kindle exposed to physical pressure that might have caused this?
Me: I'm sorry to experience this... :)
Not that I know of. I carry it in a rubber-silicon case,
and it has never fallen from anywhere, and no one had sat on it either
the body of it looks completely fine,
so I don't think there was mechanical impulse.
Chaitanya: Has the Kindle come into contact with another object or liquid that might have caused the issue?
Me: No, absolutely not
Chaitanya: Okay. I see that your Kindle is still under warranty so I'll go ahead and replace it.
Can I have your shipping address ?
Me: Wow! That would be very nice.
Originally we gave you my office address.
Which I'll do again.
55 Paulay utca BUDAPEST H-1051, HUNGARY
We're an EU member
Chaitanya: Okay.
Me: so there shouldn't be any problem.
Chaitanya: I'll create the replacement order with charges to avoid any delays in customs.
Once after creating the replacement order I'll issue refund in the same amount on the original order.
Ultimately you'll be getting free replacement.
I hope I'm clear about this.
Me: Two questions [and i'm already very happy with your help]
Chaitanya: You are welcome.
Me:1. the Kindle was originally paid by my colleague, who helped me with ordering. My bank doesn't permit using my card for international purchases, so we launched the ordering from his.
do I need to inform him about this?
Chaitanya: Yes. The original order was placed using MasterCard(12/2013). This card will be charged when we create replacement but I'll also issue refund on the same card on the original order.
Me: That's fine, I'll just contact him, so that he doesn't counter-act.
Chaitanya: The refund will be process in 2-3 business days.
Okay. Shall we go ahead with the replacement process ?
Me: Yes, please!
Chaitanya: Okay. Please wait.
Mészáros, I see that you've removed the MasterCard(12/2013) from your account.
Please add the credit card to your account so that we can process your replacement.
Me: oh
can you please wait a moment while I organize this?
Chaitanya: I'm sorry about this. This system won't let me process the replacement unless I have the same card on your account.
Sure. I'll be online.
Me: Just one more minute please,
Chaitanya: No problem.
I'll be online.
Me: I had to wake up my colleague (it's midnight in Budapest now)
Chaitanya: Okay. If you wish you can contact us again after adding the credit card to your account.
We'll process your replacement right away.
Me: He said it's done.
Can you confirm, so I can send him back to sleep?
Chaitanya: Okay.
Please wait.
For security reasons, we need to update your account information in order to process your replacement. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Sign in here:
2. Enter your credit card or debit card information.
3. Select the shipping address you would like to send your replacement to, under “Select Billing Address.”
This will associate the credit card information to your shipping address allowing me to process the replacement. This will not affect the billing address we have on file and there will be no charge.
Me: I think we're done
Chaitanya: Okay. Please wait.
You need link the MasterCard to below address :
Mészáros Dániel
Paulay Ede u. 55.
Budapest, 1061,
I see that they are still not linked.
Can you please do the above process once again ?
Me: Umm. The two addresses match, actually.
You're talking to Daniel Mészáros now, but the card holder is B##### Sz#####. But the address is the same as we work in the same office. :)
okay, he reset the thing.
Could you check now?
Chaitanya: Okay. Please wait.
I'm sorry, I'm still having the problem.
I'll do one thing.
I'll create a new order and after this order is delivered to you I'll issue refund on the order. Is this fine with you ?
Me: Just a moment Chaitanya,
B##### tells me he restarted the profile
can you stand by until he rebuilds it?
Chaitanya: Sure.
Me: okay,
he has redone it
Is there any difference?
Chaitanya: Okay. Please wait while I check this for you.
I'm sorry, I'm still getting the error.
Me: Okay then, so can we take your solution,
that you mentioned earlier?
Chaitanya: Okay. I'll go it as I suggested.
I'll be shipping the Kindle to : Mészáros Dániel
Paulay Ede u. 55.
Budapest, 1061
Using MasterCard ending: 9165
Me: perfect!
Chaitanya: Here is your Order ID: 002-2707377-######
It will be delivered to you by Oct 12, 2011.
The order total is $134.98.
Me: Okay, perfect!
Chaitanya: Once the order gets delivered to you. I'll issue refund and send you an refund confirmation email.
Once after you receive the replacement Kindle, please return the defective Kindle to us. I'll send you an email with return instructions.
Me: Fine. And what do I need to do?
Ah, okay.
Chaitanya: Once after you receive the replacement Kindle, please return the defective Kindle to us. I'll send you an email with return instructions.
Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Me: I believe we were very successful,
and I thank you for your work!
Chaitanya: You're welcome Mészáros. Thank you for contacting Amazon. We hope to see you again. Have a great day.
Me: Bye!

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