2012. november 8., csütörtök

How To Write Awesome Letters - Informal

Writing really good, correct format informal letters is not a great challenge, especially if you have a neat infographic help such as this one to the left. 

When you write a friend, acquaintance, relative or foe the language you use will be loose, easy-going, simple and very simple to comprehend. Contracted forms, abbreviations and slang are usable in the letter, all you have to worry about is grammar, spelling and punctuation, i.e. the language mechanics. 

On the top right corner, neatly aligning with the margin your address must be presented just as the bubble shows you. Underneath, in the same block of text, or one enter-hit later you should definitely enter the date of the letter. 

Next, to salute your dear friend. Pick a formula from the many: dear, my sweet, the person's first name, or simply something colloquial like 'Hey!'

The letter's body should be broken down into distinct paragraphs. Not because your friend might secretly be an academic-level letter-writing-controller, but merely to assist him/her in reading what you have written. One topic/ idea should be discussed in one paragraph, and another in a next one. There can be as many paragraphs to a letter as you want, but keep in mind, that the addressee will have to read it, so sending 7-page monsters to your ex-flat-mate, just because you were bored one rainy Friday morning may not be totally welcomed. 

As for closing, a good idea is to use a closing formula, again from our cliché-bank or from the creative depths of your mind. 

When you finish writing, the only task left to do is re-reading what you have put in the letter. Use a thorough spell-check. At this point anything can be changed, corrected, updated or reformed; later it will be much more complicated to make up for mistakes. Also, you might choose to add information or cancel out some sentences deemed unnecessary.

Once you feel your letter is completed, hit 'Send' and exhale: you did a good job! 

For ideas and references on what formulas to use consult the cliché-bank below. 

Cliché Bank

Closing Formulae
Hello NAME,
With regards,
Kind regards,
Hey there,
With kind regards,
Dear NAME,
Best wishes,
The best, / Best, 
Hey man,
With love,
Hey girl,

XOXO ( < please don't use this)


1 megjegyzés:

  1. neat(adj) rendes, rendezett, takaros
    acquaintance(n) ismerős (egy ismerős ember)
    foe(n) ellenfél, ellenség
    to comprehend (v) megérteni, felfogni
    contracted form (exp) összevont alak (I'm; you're; we've)
    abbreviation (n) rövidítés, rövid alak
    punctuation (n) pontosítás, itt: írásjelezés
    i.e.= that is; (exp) vagyis, azaz
    to align with sthg (exp) igazodni vmihez
    underneath (adv) alatt
    definitely (adv) mindenképpen, feltétlenül
    colloquial (adj) könnyed, itt: mai szófordulat, nem hivatalos szó
    distinct (adj) elkülönülő, különálló
    merely (adv) pusztán, egyszerűen (azért mert)
    addressee (n) címzett
    depth (n) mélység
    thorough (adj) alapos
    deemed > to be deemed sthg(exp) vmilyennek ítélt, vmilyennek 'ítéltetett'

    to exhale(v) kilélegezni
